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C. K Decade
C. K Decade 9-10-06

Hi..................I did it

I couldn't have done it if the picture didn't have you in it..

your long gone now, but I'm telling you now

"I did it my love, thank you" (take a bow)

it still feels strange and foreign to write your name and think of you from time to time,

but when I do I smile cuz after all this time all I can remember are the good times..

Inspiration, faith, dreams, and true love.

At 13 we never could have dreamed in 10 years what would come.

You were there at the start, unfortunately not at the end..

it's really a shame we couldn't share it, you were still my best girlfriend,

so your not anymore, and haven't been for awhile

but if you ever read this....I did it for us and I hope it makes you smile.. X-)

Категория: Поэмы | Добавил: VlainStani (2007-09-03)
Просмотров: 1070 | Комментарии: 4 | Рейтинг: 0.0 |

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