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"The World We Created"
"The World We Created" 11-08-05

For 3 days the world stopped
For 3 days my heart dropped
A weekend with a foreign stranger,
turned into something I'll always remember
If only you could have stayed just 1 more day
now you'll haunt me as the 1 that got away
Maybe I'll see you again, maybe I wont
2 Rockstars in love, now separated and alone
I understood you, just like you did me
3 days in time, 2 hearts were set free
So forgive me if I say this 1 thing...
You'll always mean so much more than a holiday fling
Time will tell if we'll cross paths again
either way fate led me to a beautiful friend*

Категория: Поэмы | Добавил: VlainStani (2007-09-03)
Просмотров: 739 | Комментарии: 1 | Рейтинг: 0.0 |

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