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"Basterds 2"
"Basterds 2" 7-22-06

3am, disconnected, alone and again
Don't listen to me
Either way you'll never understand
I'm the last thing on your mind
You'll never know me, cuz myself I can't find
And its ok, cuz I've adapted..
Or have I? Maybe I'm just pretendin
Go here, say that...
Even if you don't feel it "DO THAT!!"
But I love you, that's why I fold
Made a bitch and do what I'm told.
I'll never lie and never hold back anything
If you want the truth, I'm a basterdized version of the real


Категория: Поэмы | Добавил: VlainStani (2007-09-03)
Просмотров: 696 | Комментарии: 2 | Рейтинг: 0.0 |

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