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"Choke heard round the world"
"Choke heard round the world" 5-13-06

Its too late now, but took forever to arrive
Now its over, ending the life of something never alive
Am I sorry? A little yes, a little no...
Not for what I did and NEVER for stealing the show
I must come to terms with what will be
Bury my dreams and scavenge for the soul I sold for free
Hopefully I'll learn how to forgive and forget
Until then I'll live with hate, but NEVER regret...

Категория: Поэмы | Добавил: VlainStani (2007-09-03)
Просмотров: 736 | Комментарии: 1 | Рейтинг: 0.0 |

Всего комментариев: 0
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